True2Life wrote:
It does make me think that this work may be more along the lines that his old Roxy band mate Brian Eno is famous for. If that's the case then it would certainly be an interesting listen - as years go by it's no secret that Bryan has found coming up with lyrics more difficult and with his voice not the instrument of former times a set of instrumental or ambient tracks might be a fascinating experiment although maybe not a huge seller.
Mes Amis,
True2Life a raison.
W2 has long thought that ‘The Bonny Lad’ could do fabulous movie scores and he would welcome an instrumental album.
Given his long standing method of composing - this rumour doesn’t surprise Windswept.
Our hero is not new to the form as his projects with TBFO bear witness.
En tout cas, ca fait plaisir d’entendre qu’il travaille !
Salutations a tous meme les gens de South Hylton Working Men’s Club.