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 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:06 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:34 pm
Posts: 150
UKRichard wrote:
Scott wrote:
It will be interesting to hear whether each piece is interlinked into telling one big story or if each one is unique in itself.

I'm certain I read somewhere that they were unconnected, but can i find it again...? Senior moments abound!

I suppose that makes sense in a way - otherwise you’d be better just releasing the album as one big track or two/there large ones.
I have to say though I am quite excited by this album - a lot more so than had it been released say 10-20 years ago. I think we are at a stage now where we know Bryan’s limitations singing wise due to his age but are still wanting to hear stuff from him no matter how experimental it may be.
I think we all anticipated that at some point we would be getting an instrumental release from Bryan and I suppose this is it but with him putting a unique style to it the Ferry way.
I hope we still get a release with vocals in the future much like in the form of Star or even Shameless from the Olympia album. I think going forward it may be more that Bryan’s voice is in the background sampled here and there with the music being the forefront. I think we know he’s not going to be singing ala Smoke Gets In Your Eyes style but giving the right artist to work with then we can still get something great. Todd Terje done a great job with J&M as did Groove Armada with Shameless.
With this new release you get the feeling that, although we’ll never see him live again, we’ll still be buying some new releases for a good few years yet by him.

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:19 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:27 pm
Posts: 250
Some of my thoughts about 'Loose Talk'

The artwork looks amazing - best cover in ages..

The more I think about this album the more I feel that it could be incredibly 'niche' ..

The spoken words on 'Orchestra' have a Virginia Woolf / Mrs Dalloway vibe

Will Amelia Barratt's voice and musings be enough to keep me listening again and again ?

As an atmosphere 'Orchestra' is haunting and intense but please please PLEASE don't let all the 'Loose Talk' music sound like old BF remixes in the background

The word 'spit' in 'Orchestra' is really jarring...

Is Bryan Ferry having a kind of 'Phantom Thread' obsession with his young muse ?

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 8:01 am 

Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 7:23 pm
Posts: 1594
Gardner wrote:
Some of my thoughts :

Is Bryan Ferry having a kind of 'Phantom Thread' obsession with his young muse ?

Mes Amis,
Interesting thought from ‘Le Jardinier’ - if so, let’s hope Bryan doesn’t eat the mushrooms!

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:37 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:36 am
Posts: 90
Hmm, sounds weird this song, but I think I like it. With some reservations I am looking forward to the album...

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:17 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:59 am
Posts: 319
Bryan can no longer write lyrics, his voice is old and brittle. It is completely understandable that he can no longer go on tour for health reasons. That's just how it is when you get older. Not a problem for me.

But if the musical background of his new album is a distorted version of his already known songs, then I simply have to say that it won't convince me. I can only hope that Bryan will come up with more and, above all, new things on the other songs on the new album. Otherwise it would be shameful. I'll wait and see and be surprised.

I think that I will like the other album with other songs more (Phil said a long time ago that he was involved in eleven songs) which is supposedly in the pipeline more, if it ever see the light of day.

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:15 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:25 pm
Posts: 652
Location: Kempten
So 'Orchestra' is the new 'single' from 'Loose Talk'... I must say that I never liked spoken words backed by music, never liked rap, hip-hop, rhythmic talking or whatsoever. So I really admire Bryan's courage to publish such extraordinary tracks - it shows his enormous creativity at 79! But before I buy this record like all records he has published since 1972 I have to listen to it very closely ...

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:23 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:59 am
Posts: 319
I fear that some of the musical performances on the soon-to-be-released album will be reminiscent of Bete Noir. Not that I thought the 1987 album was bad back then, I still like most parts of it today.

I remember an interview with Bryan where he said that he would find it extremely exciting to reinterpret the 1987 album. I don't remember whether he had already started working on it back then (was it 1.5 years ago?). I can't find the link either, even though I searched for it very intensively on the Internet.

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:29 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:18 pm
Posts: 308
I don't mind spoken word performances to music as such -Laurie Anderson springs to mind - but I'm not sure the combination of Amelia's narration and Bryan's music works too well on this track. Both are fine on their own but together? Not sure. I much preferred Star and if the whole project is along these lines then I'm not sure how much mileage there may be in it all, especially commercially. No doubt those who know Bryan from Slave To Love etc will hear there's a new Ferry album coming and buy it expecting more of that. In which case they're in for a shock, but I'm glad he's doing this all the same as it's anything but the safe option.

 Post subject: Re: Bryan Ferry & Almelia Barratt Album- Loose Talk
PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:42 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:13 pm
Posts: 573
We might have a better understanding of this project if we called it a new album by Amelia Barrett and Bryan Ferry.

I acknowledge Ferry’s voice is not what it was , and he has said that he finds writing lyrics challenging , so the concept of doing this is innovative and practical.

In terms of spoken word ( prose) over a musical backing ,part of Prefab Sprout’s I trawl the Megahertz springs to mind , and I have been able to listen that repeatedly without any issue.

It is interesting that Star is not on this album, so I expect the trailed companion record to follow later in the year. I like Star , and I wonder whether the music on Loose Talk will be on the same NIN-influence or will be familiar like older Ferry/Roxy tunes like Lover, Nocturne or South Downs, or the sketches of Mamouna.

I anticipate what comes out wth a mix of excitement and apprehension. This is a new collaboration and a departure from what we are used to after all.

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