Roxy Music pure (BF/PM/AM/PT/EJ/Bass) is gone since those Siren days IMHO. That's when they used a background chorus. Now we have BF/PM/AM and EJ. Neil Hubbard and Neil Jason have played with Roxy before and Luke Bullen is the best BF tour drummer in years, sometimes as powerful as PT.
So far so good. And now the flap: Jorja Renn. Why not? I am sure that she won't steal the show from Andy. Don't forget that she is multi-talented and plays keyboard, too!
Sadly, no Eno, no Paul Thompson. Unfortunately Mr. Eno has to prove his ecological convictions to the Roxy fans today of all days and Paul Thompson suffers from arthritis which is no fun. BTW, my last Roxy concert was in 2010 when TGPT had got injured in a motorcycle accident shortly before the show ...
At least I am proud of "my" band - they get the recognition they deserve and I wish them good luck for the show
PS: Does anybody know if there is usually a dvd record you can buy from those RNRHOF events?