Lyrics to Answer Me

Lyrics to the song Answer Me as recorded by Bryan Ferry.


Answer me, oh my love
Just what sin have I been guilty of?
Tell me how I came to lose your love
Answer me, my love

You were mine yesterday
I believed that love was here to stay
Won't you tell me where I've gone astray?
Answer me, my love

If you're happier without me
I'll try not to care
But if you still think about me
Listen my prayer

You must know I've been true
Won't you say that we can start anew?
In my sorrow now I turn to you
Answer me, my love

If you're happier without me
I'll try not to care
But if you still think about me
Listen my prayer

You must know I've been true
Won't you say that we can start anew?
In my sorrow now I turn to you
Answer me, my love
Answer me, my love
Answer me, my love


Answer Me

Album Track

This song was recorded by Bryan Ferry for his Taxi album in 1993. It has also been recorded by Nat King Cole and Barbara Dickson. Bryan has never performed this song live.

Song Musicians

Answer Me is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums