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Lyrics to Which Way To Turn

Lyrics to the song Which Way To Turn as recorded by Bryan Ferry.


I didn't know which way to turn
I didn't know which way to turn
Can't control my feelings if I tried
Right from wrong from left to right

I didn't know which way to turn
Walk on ice feel the fingers burn
Walk on ice feel your fingers burn
And the world you know
Easing out of time

I can't control the feelings if I tried
Can't control my feelings if I tried
And the world you know
Easing out of time
Easing out of time

Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time
Easing out of time



Which Way To Turn

Album Track

Which Way To Turn was recorded during the Horoscope/Mamouna period and appeared on Bryan Ferry's Mamouna album. The song has never been played live.

Which Way To Turn was included on the CD single for Goddess Of Love (2002) and also on the It's All Over Now Baby Blue single in Germany (2002)

Song Musicians

Which Way To Turn is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums