Lyrics to Breath Of Life

Lyrics to the song Breath Of Life as recorded by Phil Manzanera.

Lyrics for Breath Of Life Recorded By The Explorers

I walk alone in a crowded room
Full of mystery and the smell of perfume
Shadows appear they dance before me
I will never be the same as from this day

You are gone I am here alone
Remembering in the night
And through the night I feel alone
These visions, breath of life
Throw some light into the night

My darkest hour the hour before dawn
My mind runs over I start to fall
Prime of life yet so tired and worn
Thought divides itself and greets the morning

You are gone I am here alone
Remembering in the night
Remembering in the night
And through the night I feel alone
These visions, breath of life
Throw some light into the night

These visions, breath of life
Throw some light into the night
Breath life throw some light
Breath life throw some light
Breath life throw some light
Breath life throw some light


Breath Of Life

Album Track

This Explorers song was recorded for their debut album. A live version can be heard on Live At The Camden Palace.

Song Musicians

Breath Of Life is on the following Roxy Music and Solo Albums